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A Love Letter from Jesus

My child, don’t let this world cause you to lose sight of me. I see you, I made you, I know the thoughts that I think towards you (Jeremiah 29:11). I want to bless you, but I need you to follow and trust me. You cannot earn my grace or my love, and you won’t lose it, but I need you to stay in my will. Many times you chased behind certain people that you didn’t need in your life, but I allowed you to go after them for you to see that they will never complete you. You chased that girl and she broke your heart. You chased that guy and he didn’t treat you how you deserved. I tried to warn you but you never noticed they were bad for you, but I want you to learn from those experiences. I am with you. I am with you. I will always be with you. Will you come to me? I beg of you to open your eyes and stop being amazed by the glory this world offers and see that it is all temporary! I love you and the place I am preparing is more beautiful than you could imagine. I see your pain. Not only do I see your pain, but I feel it (Hebrews 4:15). I understand your feelings and I know what it means to feel abandoned. I only came to this earth to redeem my people, and the people that I came for still rejected me (John 1:11). Yet your rejection will not stop my love for you. My love will continue to pursue you and change you if you allow it to. My love will bring healing, not a spouse. My love will restore you, not a person. My love will convict you, but it won’t condemn you. Stop trying to figure out why I love you and allow me to love you. The days are short and I am soon to return. Will you be chasing after me when I return or will I still find you pursuing worldly things? You can get that spouse and lose sight of me. You can get that job and lose sight of me. You can gain popularity and lose sight of me. However, when you pursue me first and my kingdom, I will take care of you. So come, come unto me and I will give you the rest that your soul desires. I love you.”

– Jesus


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