Even if Alone
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Even if Alone

Following Jesus is hands down the best decision I have ever made. However, I have had times when I was beyond discouraged because it just seemed like I was in this thing all alone. I know some people have always been spiritual and they just had it together at all times, but even people in the bible felt discouraged at times. Elijah wanted to die because of fear of Jezebel (1 Kings 19:4), Jeremiah wanted to give up on his calling but he couldn’t (Jeremiah 20:9), and even the great leader Moses was frustrated and impatient with the people at times (Numbers 11:10-15). So if you ever get weary in your walk, I understand. If they could overcome their temporary afflictions, so can you and I (Romans 8:18).

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

When Jesus called you to follow Him, He did not call your friends or family. There is a separate calling for each and every one of us. Stop trying to take people where God is trying to take you. Sometimes God wants you alone so you can learn to depend and trust Him. Many of us talk to our friends for hours and God for minutes, but God deserves more reverence and honor than we are giving Him. We must also come to a realization that our salvation is not dependent on others either. My pastor, parents or loved ones cannot save me. My salvation is based solely on my relationship with Jesus. I may be surrounded by praying people, but if I don’t pray I will have no connection to God. I may have a great leader in my pastor, but if I do not seek God for myself I will not know Him for myself. God wants each and every one of us to seek Him for ourselves.

I know most people have heard this before, but if you haven’t let me just warn you: when you truly begin to follow Jesus, people will drift away from you. I don’t mean when you attend church regularly, I mean walking like He walked, talking like He talked and eschewing sin like Jesus did. I say that because now you are serving a different Master, so people will not always like that. You want to live right, but they want to let their flesh be in control. If everyone is comfortable with you, then maybe you still have maturing to do. Not saying when people hate you you’re considered Godly, because sometimes people hate our arrogance. I mean light and darkness does not mix, so don’t expect to have a big crowd of friends. Many stopped following Jesus before He came down to twelve followers.

There came a point in Abraham’s walk with God that he was asked to sacrifice the very thing he waited all his life for. That is a true test of faith. God saying, “I gave you this promise, but I want you to give it back now”. When Abraham went to sacrifice his son Isaac, there was a point when he had to tell some people to wait here while he went up to worship (Genesis 22:5). Abraham understood clearly that the place God wants him is not for everyone’s sight. God wants to do great things to and through us, but he first has to separate us. Being alone is not a bad thing! Let God isolate you so He can elevate you!

Many people choose to follow God when it is convenient for them. They give God a couple of minutes of prayer and half-hearted worship in church when things are going fine. However, whenever they go through hard times or read something in the Bible that contradicts their lifestyle, they just overlook it and do their own thing. Don’t get caught up in this company! Surround yourself with those who have a hunger for God. Yes, some people will call you “deep”, “too holy”, etc. but I rather be an outcast for God than to be cast out later. We want God to be pleased with our lives, we do not need man’s approval.

“I talk about Jesus, all the Christians love me

I walk like Jesus now they wanna judge me, ain’t it funny?” – Andy Mineo

It is very easy for believers to follow and obey Christ when they see others doing it. However, that is not always the case. Many of us are around people who do not obey God and do not even want to obey Him. Trust me, it’s better to avoid that group because they are only hurting you spiritually. I choose to follow Jesus even if no one decides to join me. The three Hebrew boys decided to obey their God even if no one joined them and they did not compromise when their lives were on the line.

And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. (Matthew 8:21-22)

  1. When God calls you, don’t go back to dead situations.

  2. Stop trying to hold memories of your past life and relationships.

  3. Press forward and forget the past (Philippians 3:7-14).

  4. You’re a new person in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), so let your old life be crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6).

Trust me, I know this blog is beyond lengthy and I am sorry about that. However, if you read this I know that God has touched your heart in some way or another. Continue to seek God, even if you are alone. No more compromising. Let’s be a generation of God seekers, God bless!

– Tovares Grey


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