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Eyes on Jesus

I fell short…. Months went by, and I didn’t repeat it. I must be free now, praise The Lord. Here comes the opportunity arising, and BAM! Fell into the same sin again. So now I’m at the altar, “Lord I’m sorry, please forgive me”. Feeling good, and sin free. Next thing I know, I’m back at the altar once again, crying because I did the same act once again. The same exact one that I promised God that I wouldn’t commit.

Does this sound familiar? Shrugs, maybe not for you, but for me it was. This was my constant cycle that I couldn’t seem to break out of. I don’t have much shame, I believe if I’m being transparent, then I can help someone. Sexual temptation was the hardest thing in my life that I just could not seem to shake. Touching women that I’m not married to, lusting in my heart, even following women on Instagram that obviously dressed explicitly. I fed my sin instead of starving it. Promising God that I’ll do my best, and failing so often.

Maybe your sin is different then mine, but Hebrews 12:1 shows that everyone has a sin that easily makes them stumble. Does this mean you are a bad person or a hypocritical Christian? Not at all. Only those with a struggle show that they are trying to resist the lies from the devil. If you aren’t struggling, maybe the devil already has a grip on you.

However, this temptation was a stronghold over my life because it was all I focused on. I was not focused on Jesus, I was only focused on avoiding the sin. That’s where we all go wrong. We try to please God by doing good works, when God is saying, “I want you so wrapped up in my love, until sin is no longer an option. I want my desires to become your desires.” Over this past week in my church’s Youth Conference, I’ve learned that fear crippled me. I wasn’t seeking to please God. Instead, I was afraid of doing that sin again, afraid of how people viewed me, and even afraid that I’m living wrong and headed to Hell.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18) – Many of us are so afraid of people. Lived a life full of ridicule and criticism. We now see that many are slaves to acceptance, but these people usually die from rejection. – I didn’t strive to be holy, I strived not to commit a sin. God doesn’t want us in a mindset where we have a list of “do’s” and “don’t’s”. Rather, Jesus wants us in a relationship with Him that will give us different desires. – I didn’t understand God’s perfect love, but the more time I spend with Him and His word I now see that His love is overwhelming. I also see that His love overrides all the fear in my life. – If I love Jesus back, I’ll live for Him no matter the cost. I can be just like the apostles who even obeyed God when their lives were in jeopardy. – If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. (Job 3:25) – Whatever you fear will come to you. Job was offering sacrifices for His children because they could’ve cursed God and died. We see here that his fear came into existence. – Revelation 21:8 says the first ones getting thrown into the lake of fire are the “fearful”. – Jesus has conquered your fears, and the spirit of fear is not from God! See 2 Timothy 1:7

We have to be so consumed with God that sin isn’t an option for us. Christians are usually told what to do, wear, say, or go but now that you are so in love with God, that you just are overwhelmed trying to find ways to get to know Him better. You won’t just need people to guide you every step of the way, because the bible says the Holy Ghost will “teach you all things” (John 14:26).

We must stand up as true Christians, and start relying on God. We will fail whenever we have confidence in our flesh. Each day I am learning to rely completely on God. I don’t want a day to go by without me not praying, reading my bible or seeking Him. I know that the day I don’t, I go out into a warfare against the devil and my flesh, with no weapons. Jesus is my defense and His word is my sword. I must seek Him continually, because without Him I am nothing. I’m just a man of sin going to Hell, but with Him, I am more than a conqueror!

Whether you want to admit it or not, you have a sin that you struggle with. You will get over it when you go to God for strength, but you will fall whenever you stop seeking Christ. You may overcome for awhile, but sin will catch up to you. It isn’t about trying to overcome sin, it’s all about pleasing Christ.

Repentance is turning away from all sin and turning to Jesus. My problem was I would stop, and then keep going. We must stop and turn around! Stop sinning and repent, do a 180 degree turn! Many are on the road to destruction, but for all who choose to submit to Christ, they will make it. Not just Sunday Christians, but being Christ-like in every way.

If I can overcome, I know that you can. We serve the same God, and He’s able to do it again for you. Keep your faith and trust God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for your mercy and your grace. I recognize that I have a besetting sin and I really cannot overcome it alone. I don’t want to try by myself anymore, I pray that you help me. Give me strength where I am weak. Help me to overcome and ignite a fire within me. Give me a passion for holiness, souls, and a heart of a servant. In Jesus name, amen.

God bless, Tovares Grey



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