It amazes me that even though I was basically raised in church, I still do not know everything about God. It frightens me whenever someone thinks they’ve gotten God figured out. The bible says that “God’s understanding is limitless” (Psalm 147:5). However, I’m always proud of those who dig deeper into God’s word, trying to learn more. It’s always a blessing to know that people are still hungry for the presence and power of God. Being a mature Christian is a process, not a destination. We have to deny ourselves and seek God daily in order to know more about Him.
My problem with the generation that I am in, is that many can quote bible verses and do all kinds of ministries, but they have no clue what the bible means nor do we always live what we preach. It’s sad that some of the older Christians fit into this category as well (a form of godliness, but denying God’s power). It is easy to tweet holiness and live a lukewarm lifestyle. I know this happens because I’ve preached abstinence, holiness, prayer and fasting, etc. and as soon as I finished speaking, I would be faced with the same obstacles, and unfortunately, didn’t always live up to my word. So many people are taking this Christian lifestyle as a joke. We claim we are free from the power of sin, but yet we seem addicted more to phones, relationships and ministry more than God. Not judging, I’m not perfect. I’m striving to get better just like you.
Paul, a PRISONER of Jesus Christ,…..(Philemon 1:1)
One must understand what it means to be a prisoner to actually call themselves Christians. Of course many of us are not being physically persecuted for our beliefs anymore, but ALL “Christians” should be in bondage to the will of God. Yes it sounds extreme and sometimes impossible. However, living right is a choice and so is living in sin. If we really love Jesus, we would know that a righteous lifestyle is not boring, legalism, or old school. Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Follow peace with ALL men, and HOLINESS, without which NO man shall see the Lord: (Hebrews 12:14). Some people treat God’s word like magazines. Skimming to find what they like and disregarding the rest. That’s not how this works. We all fall short, but if you did not even try to please God then how can you say you are living for Christ? If we say we are going to do ministry but hate our brothers, we are not walking in God’s will.
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:3-4)
When a officer is arresting someone (I’m not a police officer so forgive me if I don’t say it the exact way):
1. Tell them to freeze: – Freeze = stop – No longer going in that direction – In order for Jesus to be your Lord, you must be willing to stop what you’re doing. This is where God calls the sinner. They will then stop walking in that direction or cease from their sinful lifestyle. – Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18) – God calls us out of darkness, but He doesn’t lower himself to win anyone. He’s powerful enough to speak and your body receives life. Jesus didn’t go into the tomb for Lazarus, he spoke the word and Lazarus’s body had to receive life (John 11:43).
2. Put your hands in the air: – When the officer can see that you are willing to comply. – When your hands are held high, you show that you are empty handed. If the officer cannot see your hands (or if there is something in it) you are considered a threat and resisting their authority. – Christians raise their hands during worship or prayer because it shows respect and submission to authority. Which is why many raise their hands when tarrying for the Holy Spirit, showing God that they surrender their will for His. – God cannot use anyone who holds onto their sins. You cannot be married to Christ while you are dating the devil. It’s called cheating and it isn’t fair to God to accept half of you when he sacrificed it all for you. – God does not consider people his enemies, but we are the ones who choose a side. We can’t be on the fence, we are either with Christ or not.
3. Hands behind your back: – When their hands are behind their back, they are no longer free people. They are now under a new leadership, new rules, and a totally different game plan. – Prisoners may try to fight back, but when you are handcuffed you are restrained from doing what you want. – Contrary to popular belief, God has standards. You are not the standard, I am not the standard and our pastors aren’t either. Holiness is. We can’t say “everyone” else is doing it, we have to go by what pleases our NEW Lord and His plan. – Many confessed Jesus as Lord, but if we aren’t following Him, He is NOT our Lord. Lord means ruler. If we continue walking in our own hearts desires, we will always end up broken, without peace and in sin. If we want to find real happiness, we must look to Christ. Not in people or material things. – There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 14:12)
Many people believe us Christians are brainwashed. Some Christians even leave God because they believe the world is having more fun. In case you didn’t know, let me tell you: THE WORLD IS MISERABLE AND ARE ON A PATH TO SELF DESTRUCTION!! Everyday trying to have the best car, clothes, shoes, house or else you aren’t considered good enough or popular. Trying to impress people that do not care about you. Taking drugs and alcohol that leave them happy for a night and lonely and broken in the morning. I know a guy who just got arrested on many charges because of this drug he took and it caused him to act out of character (I won’t say which ones). You think that’s fun? Oh please! Your hardest day in Christ is better than your best day in the world. Noah built that ark and do you think there were toilets? That ship must have had a bad odor with many animals going on the floor, but guess where there was safety? In the ship! If you stay surrendered under God’s will, you will always find peace and safety.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Psalms 16:11) – True joy is in God’s presence. – God isn’t using us as puppets, He’s giving us the opportunity to be happy and be free. Sin is slavery!
Too many people mark their Bibles, but their Bibles never mark them. There are too many people saying “Jesus is Lord”, but yet they are serving themselves. If Christ isn’t in complete control, He isn’t in control whatsoever. God will not accept 50% of you, the devil surely will. Preaching and singing doesn’t make us saved. Obedience and humility does. Let’s not be the generation that are such great singers, but we do not pray, fast or study God’s word. Many read Christian books and not the bible. Those can inform you, but only God’s word can transform you. I’ve rededicated myself to God, because I want to know more of Him. Not that I backslid, but our hearts will be lukewarm and we do not even know. I pray that as you read this that God will touch your heart to surrender to His will again. No more games. Give it all to Jesus.
God bless, Tovares Grey