Wake Up
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Wake Up

Just five more minutes….. It’s still early, I have more time to rest….. That’s what we usually tell ourselves every morning before we start our day (Lord help us if it’s a Monday). It’s easy to become so tired or so nonchalant and uninterested in doing certain things when they seem repetitive or unnecessary. It’s okay to be tired, but why is this happening in the Church?

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. -Romans 13:11

You see whether we choose to admit it or not, most of us are either sleeping, or hitting the snooze button spiritually. God requires much more from us, but we try to give the bare minimum, as though there is some check-off list to salvation. Why would God save us in order for us to keep quiet and not share His Word with others? Why is it that the preacher is boring and the music is entertaining? It seems as though the things of God no longer interest us unless they benefit us. Many of us shout at the thought of being blessed, but we close our ears and shout “YOU’RE NOT FROM GOD” if we are ever told to die to sin and carry our cross.

God wants more. God deserves more. Are you ready to surrender? It’s no point in us playing church, God isn’t impressed. We can be born and raised in church and go to Hell. No, I will not say “a Christ-less eternity” to make it sound cute. We can end up in HELL where the fire and torture doesn’t end. Why give that up for this world that only takes from you and could never make you happy the way Jesus can?

They confess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Titus 1:16

None of us are perfect and God knows we struggle. Some of us may never reach a point of perfection, but God is looking for progression. Wake up and keep pressing. Grace and peace.

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